The heather on the hill


The mist of May is in the gloamin',

and all the clouds are holdin' still 

So take my hand and let's go roamin'

through the heather on the hill. 


The mornin' dew is blinkin' yonder,

there's lazy music in the rill, 

And all I want to do is wander through the heather on the hill. 


There may be other days 

as rich and rare, 

There may be other springs 

as full and fare, 

But the won't be the same, 

they'll come and go 

For this I know; 


That when the mist is in gloamin' 

And all the clouds are holdin' still, 

If you're not there I won't go roamin'

through the heather on the hill, 

The heather on the hill.



━ [the ~]

{詩} たそがれ, 薄暮 (twilight).



/héðɚ | ―ðə/

━ 〔植〕 ギョリュウモドキ《ヨーロッパから南西アジアにかけて分布するツツジ科の常緑小低木; エリカに近縁で, 花は桃紫色; cf. heath 》.




1 〔植〕 ヒース《紫・白またはピンクのつり鐘形の小さな花の咲くツツジ科エリカ属などの常緑低木; ヨーロッパからアフリカに分布するが, 英国の山野の荒れ地にも多い; cf. heather , ling1 》.


a {英} (ヒースの茂る)荒れ地, 荒野 (cf. moor2 ).

b 〔生態〕 ヒース《ツツジ科の常緑低木が主になっている植生》.

〖OE; 原義は「原野」〗



1 <原野> a heath.

2 〔植〕 heath; heather.


morning dew 朝露